
(備忘録)BMW G29 M40i 足回り テクニカルデータ

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#BMW #G29 #ステアリング #異音対策 #EPS #電動ステアリングギアボックス

ステアリングを切る度に発生するヒューヒューと安っぽい音対策として電動ステアリングギアボックス(EPS)を交換し、ホイールアライメントを再設定して頂いた関係で、足回り基本データを備忘録としてココに残しておきます。最近納車されたG05 X5も同様の音が聞こえるので、1年経って収まらなかったら交換してもらおう。

G29, Sports suspension settings with low-slungfrontrear
Measured from centre of wheel hub to lower edge of bonnetDimension A366 +10 mm -10 mm362 +10 mm -10 mm
Ride height of axle G29 Sport suspension settings with lowered suspension, wheel alignment code 8856126frontrear
Ride height (A): Measured from bottom centre of rim flange (1) to lower edge of wheel arch (2).17 wheel rim599 mm594 mm
18 wheel rim599 mm606 mm
19 wheel rim599 mm619 mm
Track width of axle G29frontrear
Rim offset 201620 mm
Rim offset 231622 mm
Rim offset 241610 mm
Rim offset 261616 mm
Rim offset 281612 mm
Rim offset 301604 mm
Rim offset 321600 mm
Rim offset 401589 mm
WheelbaseG292470 mm
Axle alignment for front axle G29 Sport suspension settings with lowered suspension, wheel alignment code 8856126Total toe-in0° 16' +/- 12'0° 14' +/- 12'
* To minimise adjustment errors (measuring inaccuracies), use a narrower tolerance for the toe/camber adjustment! Toe difference front axle = criterion for steering wheel inclinationTotal toe-in adjustment*0° 16' +/-4'0° 14' +/-4'
Toe difference on single wheel between left/rightmax. 12'max. 12'
Camber (difference between left/right max. 30')-1° 45' +/-30'-2° 00' +/-25'
Camber adjustment*-1° 45' +/-25'-2° 00' +/-05'
Toe difference angle (difference between left and right)max. 20'
Castor angle (difference between left and right)max. 30'
Front wheel offset0° +/- 15'
Largest steering angle on inner cornering wheelapprox. 38° 23'
Largest steering angle on outer cornering wheelapprox. 29°09'
Geometrical driving axis0° +/- 12'

